As today is a major Church festival (Pentecost), things were naturally busier and a "big deal" at church today. Although I missed singing with choir for today (ours ended a few weeks ago... at my home congregation, we would usually formally sing through Trinity Sunday [which we'll celebrate next week]), the music was particularly fitting. One of the hardest things I've had to adjust to since moving here and joining a new congregation is adjusting to the different musical styles and preferences. (Mostly, not singing all my favorite hymns anymore.) At my home congregation, we would always sing certain hymns for each major feast and festival, and it's strange to not sing those anymore, since I so strongly associate those days with certain hymns. However, I'm also enjoying the opportunity to sing some other hymns from our hymnal that I haven't sung often before. Music, specifically the liturgy and hymns, has always been a great comfort and joy to me, and I often find the hymns from the previous Sunday running through my head in any given week. There's something so reassuring about singing the same words that people sang hundreds of years ago, and knowing I'm joining in a common confession with believers throughout the centuries.
Today we also celebrated with the four young men and women of our congregation who were confirmed today! What a wonderful day to celebrate the confession of baptismal faith as we all join together for worship and the Lord's Supper. One of the members of my home congregation worked with the confirmands every year to help design and create banners for the students' confirmations, as a memento of the day and a reminder of the promises they made to God and their congregation. This year, at our new congregation, I offered to help organize and orchestrate the banner making. A dear friend of mine helped me with the tedious task of cutting out all the letters and designs. The kids all selected their confirmation verses, the design that went along with the text, and glued their banners together. I think they turned out wonderfully and hope our confirmands love them as much as I do.
As I mentioned in a previous post, my in-laws are also visiting for the weekend. We've been so excited to have them here and spend some quality time with them, even though we've been unusually busy with church events. For part of their visit, I cooked supper on Saturday evening. {Well, D grilled everything. I planned the menu and put together the non-cooked stuff.} Everything was so tasty, and I was particularly pleased with my table setting. Simple, festive, and cute, I think it really added a nice touch to our meal. The menu included grilled brats and corn on the cob, plus a mixed greens salad with cranberries, nuts, and homemade vinaigrette dressing. For dessert, we had angel food cake with fruit salad and whipped cream on top. Summery, refreshing, and delicious!
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable remainder of the weekend!
Cute table setting! Also, Joshua 1:9 is my confirmation verse. I like to see that someone else also chose it!